Hide Jetpack banner from the WordPress

  • May 13, 2021
  • 0
Hire Vivek Asodariya
Jetpack banner

What is Jetpack?

Jetpack is a suite of plugins that provide security, performance and enhancement tools for WordPress sites by WordPress experts. It gives you everything you need to secure, speed up, and enhance your site.

Jetpack has released multiple plugins to enable you to take advantage of the security, performance and enhancement features you need for your site. Alternatively, you can install a full suite of features in the Jetpack app.

Is Jetpack free?

There is a jetpack and will always be free. Installation is free and you do not need to enter any payment information.

Advanced jetpack features such as backup, malware scanning and site detection are included as part of the paid plan.

Is Jetpack Safe?

WordPress security is at the heart of Jetpack. In addition to backup, malware scanning and spam protection, our Paid Jetpack Security Tools provide Brute Force Attack Protection, Downtime Monitoring, Activity Logging and Secure Authentication.

When we will install the Woocommerce or Woocommerce-related then we will appear the jetpack banner in the WordPress admin.

Many users do not need the Jetpack banner so they can use the code below to remove the Jetpack banner.

Add below code in your (child) theme’s functions.php if you don’t have child them then you can create your custom plugin and then you can add below code in this plugin.

Also read: Create Custom Plugin


add_action('admin_head', 'hide_jetpack_banner',99999);
function hide_jetpack_banner() {
  echo '<style>.notice.wcs-nux__notice {display:none !important;}</style>';

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