When some user wants easily read the description then the site admin can display a short description in the shop archive page.
We can display any custom text and description on the shop archive page.
We can add text using the woocommerce filter.
You can’t add the custom code in the main theme because if you will add then when you will update the main theme that time the code will remove autometically.
Add below code in your (child) theme’s functions.php
add_filter( 'woocommerce_loop_add_to_cart_link', 'vivek_patel_before_content', 10, 3 );
function vivek_patel_before_content( $add_to_cart_html, $product, $args ){
global $product;
return $product->post->post_excerpt . $add_to_cart_html;
If you don’t have child them then you can create your own custom plugin. You can add the custom code in the plugin. To create the custome plugin, here you can find out the steps.
If you have no child theme on the site then you can install the Code snippet plugin and add the above code in the snippet.